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Séminaire PéLiAS (périodiques littérature, arts, sciences) – séances du 15 novembre 2019

Séminaire PéLiAS (périodiques littérature, arts, sciences)
Les périodiques comme médiateurs culturels
Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à assister à la prochaine séance du séminaire PéLiAS, qui aura lieu le vendredi 15 novembre 2019, 16h-19h, (ENS, 29 rue d’Ulm, salle U 205).
Il s’agit d’une séance exceptionnelle durant laquelle nous accueillerons deux chercheurs internationaux, à eux seuls représentatifs du dialogue entre domaine littéraire et scientifique, connus de tous ceux qui s’intéressant à l’étude des périodiques.  
Vendredi 15 novembre 2019, 16h-19h, (ENS, 29 rue d’Ulm, salle U 205).
Périodiques et vulgarisation
Jonathan TOPHAM (Senior Lecturer in History of Science and Director of Centre for HPS, Leeds University Researching the cultural history of science in late Georgian Britain), auteur de Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical: Reading the Magazine of Nature (2004) et du récent Periodicals in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Constructing Scientific Communities 

Periodicals, Popular Science, and the Construction of Scientific Communities in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain
From the moment that Britain’s first commercial scientific periodicals began to be produced in the 1790s, the question of how to achieve a sustainable readership was a central concern.  Such issues overlapped critically with questions about the politics of knowledge.  Who in an industrializing society should have access to, or be able to contribute to the development of the sciences?  This paper explores how the emerging notion of the “popular” was deployed in the first fifty years of British science periodicals, both to generate a market and to develop and maintain communities of scientific practice, showing that publishers, editors, and readers offered a range of perspectives on how periodicals might be used to manage the involvement of diverse participants in the sciences.
Mark MORRISSON (Professor and Head of English, Penn State University), auteur de The Public Face of Modernism: Little Magazines, Audiences, and Reception 1905-1920 (2001), de Modernism, Science, and Technology (2016), anciennement responsable du Journal of Modern Periodical Studies.

Periodicals, Scientific Popularization, and Domaining Effects in Anglophone Nuclear Physics, 1900-1945

The early decades of research in radioactivity and nuclear physics were rich in metaphors and analogies that circulated widely across several cultural and knowledge domains, often through numerous genres of periodicals. Using the concept of domaining from anthropologist Marilyn Strathern and literature and science scholar Susan Merrill Squier, this talk will explore the alchemical tropes in the early chemistry and physics of radioactivity and the militaristic tropes often employed in discussions of particle accelerators and other attempts to break up atomic nuclei (on both sides of the Atlantic) as examples of the generative circulation of scientific concepts through periodical genres and other publications.  The paper will also suggest possible uses for topic modelling and other forms of quantitative analysis of scientific journals and popularizing periodicals.
Organisateurs :
Hélène Védrine (Sorbonne Université, CELLF 19-21)
Norbert Verdier (Paris-Sud, EST-GHDSO)
Alexia Kalantzis (UVSQ, CHCSC)
Comité scientifique :
Evanghelia Stead (UVSQ, CHCSC & IUF)
Hélène Gispert (Paris-Sud, EST-GHDSO)
Viera Rebolledo Dhuin (UVSQ, CHCSC)
Hélène Védrine (Sorbonne Université, CELLF 19-21)
Norbert Verdier (Paris-Sud, EST-GHDSO)
Alexia Kalantzis (UVSQ, CHCSC)
Contacts :
Label MSH Paris-Saclay & CELLF 19-21

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julien Schuh (6 novembre 2019). Séminaire PéLiAS (périodiques littérature, arts, sciences) – séances du 15 novembre 2019. PRELIA. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse